Jeff SP Ong
Architecture Portfolio, Selected Works
Environment and Technology II
In project 1, students (group of 2 or 3) are to select a facade of their choice from an existing building (approved by the Tutors). Assuming that they are given the task by the building owner to renovate the building. The students are to identify the problems associated with visual, thermal and site environmental matter, in order to propose ‘gizmos’ or devices that are able to improve the indoor environment to the building owner. In project 2, students are to use the design studio project, identify the problems associated with visual, thermal and site environmental matter. These factors are to be analyzed using the appropriate formula. Propose service core/s that will improve the indoor environment and comply with the necessary regulations. In project 3, students are to produce 2 A1 presentation boards, which contains the overall analysis and outcome learnt from Assignment 1 and Assignment 2, to be applied in the studio project that demonstrates similar approaches towards the environmental and technological resolution.